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My Stand Alones

These are the books that don't have sequels for them and are different genres! (Thriller Young Adult & Medieval Fantasy) 

You can find all of my books Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Vella.

The Hit List

What happens to a bunch of victims from bullies? Do they snap one day and fight back? Or do they have a tragedy and Committe suicide? A group of friends who rule the school, and put down others, because they aren't like them. Read to see the bullies becoming like the victims.

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The Arrangement

​Being in the royal family may seem like a wonderful life, wearing the best fabric and best jewels. Having everyone do everything for you. Not everything is perfect for the princess, she needs to behave all the time, told to be at certain place at certain times. That's not the worst of it being told where to go everything is planned out for you. 
It's also having a husband planned for you too, her parents arranged a marriage for their daughter. They don't know she loves another.

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